Beach or Camping Coloring, Cutting and Pasting Free Printable Activity
Whether you are planning a beach vacation, a camping trip or just daydreaming of a getaway (like me) here is a fun free printable activity to do with your kids !
What do you take to a day at the beach? What do you take to a camping trip? and what do you take to both? In this free printable activity your little ones can color, cut, and paste the items to bring and either sort them in a single page chart or in three separate “Suitcases”. If you have a large piece of paper you can also draw a large Venn Diagram to introduce them to the concept ! Another way to do it, if you can, is by using some old magazine photo of a beach and a camp site as visual aid and glue the items on the photos. This is a great activity not only to practice fine motor skills, but also to discuss good habits like staying hydrated, using sunscreen and hats, bug spray and being prepared for a trip. A great way to expand vocabulary as well as reasoning skills.
You can click HERE for the pdf or right click on the images to print the jpgs. All you need is a black and white printer, colors, scissors and glue!

3D Free Printable Paper Christmas Tree Color Cut and Paste Kids and Family Activity.

Hello Print Cut Paste Craft! Christmas is almost here and, this year more than ever, I know we all need some new fun activities to do at home and help us get into the Holidays spirit. Never fear, Print-Cut-Paste-Craft is here with our best Christmas Craft to date!
Ladies and gentleman, may I introduce……… THE 3D PAPER CHRISTMAS TREE!!!! All you need, as usual, is a printer, some colors, some scissors and some glue to create this beautiful tree to put on your desk as you work, or go to school remotely, and get into the Christmas Spirit!
I made this activity with my two boys and my husband yesterday: each one of use decorated their side of the tree in a slightly different style and with different colors and ornaments. Not only we had loads of fun together, but now I love having this little tree right on my desk reminding me of the holidays and of why I do what I do!
I think this would make a great little project for home schooling and remote learning as well as for the adult that just wants to cheer up their desk and spend a few relaxing hours doing a free craft!
Here are the instructions on how to assemble the 3D Christmas Tree:
- Once you have printed the template, color and cut out the 4 sides of the tree .
- Color, Cut and Paste the Ornaments on the tree. Be careful not to put too many ornaments along the middle of the tree or it will be harder to fold.
- Fold the four trees in half along the dotted line.
- Glue one half of each tree to one half of another (see image) so that you create a cross with each tree bent at a 90 degree angle.
- Color the tree skirt, then cut along the dotted lines in the middle by folding the skirt in half and cutting perpendicularly. Be careful not to cut all the way through.
- Cut the tab at the bottom of the trees in half along the line, then insert the tabs in the cross cut in the middle of the tree skirt and bend them at a 90 degree angle in a cross pattern.
- Tape the tabs to the bottom of the skirt.

The Free 3D Printable tree comes with two levels of difficulty:
Click here to get the template for the blank tree and the separate ornaments: this will allow you to completely personalize the ornaments on your tree but it will require some complex cutting since the ornaments can get quite small.
Click here if instead you want a template in which the tree is already decorated and all you need to do is color and assemble the tree.
Have fun!
Free coloring page “we are all in this together”
A coloring page and a reminder to be kind to each other .

Big Cheese model car by the amazing Doug Cenko!
Hello! I normally only post activities that I created myself, but these are times in which lots of fellow artists are pulling together to share free resources and activities for kids to do at home and I want to make sure all of you get to know about them as I come across them.
First up, the amazingly talented author and illustrator Doug Cenko has on his website several activities related to his wonderful books: there are free printable “My Papa is a princess” and “My mama is a mechanic” paper dolls, “Sleepy Solar System” coloring pages and, my personal favorite, a model to build a Big Cheese car from his book “Little Monster Truck Go!” . If you haven’t read the book yet, there are 5 adorable little monster trucks each with their own unique shape and personality: my favorite is the kitty truck of course, and I hope Doug will a model of that to the list too…. but for now, enjoy the Big Cheese template by clicking here and don’t forget to get Doug’s fantastic books (click on the names to be redirected to their page on Indie Bound).

Free Printable Creative activity: challenge your creativity with Blobs!
I created this activity with slightly older kids (or perhaps adults) in mind, as a way to help them be creative without having to follow a pattern too strictly. It is a game I play often when I feel like doodling: I create a bunch of organic looking shapes and the imagine faces and creatures inside of those. I am posting here my own final result as well as my own blobs but I can’t wait to see what all of you come up with! It’s sort of like looking at clouds and seeing all sorts of creatures in there. All you need is to print the free template, add some faces and features and then color. Don’t forget to share your work with me in the comments! (click on the second image to open the free printable template)