I created this activity with slightly older kids (or perhaps adults) in mind, as a way to help them be creative without having to follow a pattern too strictly. It is a game I play often when I feel like doodling: I create a bunch of organic looking shapes and the imagine faces and creatures inside of those. I am posting here my own final result as well as my own blobs but I can’t wait to see what all of you come up with! It’s sort of like looking at clouds and seeing all sorts of creatures in there. All you need is to print the free template, add some faces and features and then color. Don’t forget to share your work with me in the comments! (click on the second image to open the free printable template)
Free Printable Creative activity: challenge your creativity with Blobs!
by gabry | Mar 15, 2020 | Coloring Activities, Play Ground | 0 comments