by gabry | Jun 25, 2012 | Coloring Activities, Learning Activities
I have been working on some new lovely space themed digital backgrounds for our Etsy Store, and to celebrate I have decided to create some more free address labels and a new printable coloring page!

I like using these to label the boxes of clothes and toys in my son’s room, but they would work well also for a classroom environment.
Get the free printable pdf for the labels here. It is compatible with most standard address labels. Remember it is for personal use only and not for commercial reuse.
And here is my new coloring page!

Click here to download the pdf of the free coloring page. I like it because my son loves anything space related but also because it is useful to practice sizes ( small, medium, big) as well as location words (above, in the middle, left, right, etc.)
by paola | May 8, 2012 | uncategorized

Here are more tags, this time I designed them with a vintage catalog or an old museum in mind. They can be useful to use for crafts, collections or toys but also just as an original gift tag.
Download here the printable pdf file for free, as always for personal use only.
Have fun!
by paola | May 8, 2012 | Stationery

I love tags, especially on vintage paper. I have a lot of colored beads and I designed this set of tags to organize them by color.I thought they could be useful for all of the crafters out there in need of ways to organize their supplies.
Click here to download the printable pdf file.
Have fun!
by gabry | May 2, 2012 | uncategorized
I created these labels to use on the many boxes of toys and old clothes we have in my son’s room.

Printable Space Address Labels – Preview
Get the free printable pdf here. It is compatible with most standard address labels. Remember is for personal use only and not for commercial reuse. Enjoy!