by gabry | Oct 22, 2019 | Building Activities, Coloring Activities, Party and Holidays
Halloween is near! Here is a free printable Halloween Craft to do with your kids at home or at your classroom Halloween party! All you need to do is print the template, color the pieces, cut them and then fasten them to each other with brass fasteners and you will have a dancing skeleton and a dancing Frankenstein ready to go and be the “life” of the party!

Free printable dancing skeleton and Frankenstein craft from

Free Printable Halloween Craft by : dancing Frankenstein
by gabry | Feb 25, 2019 | Coloring Activities, Party and Holidays, Play Ground
Here is another fantastic free Saint Patrick’s day activity: build your own Leprechaun!! All you need to do is cut out the parts (as you can see from the photo above you don’t need to be super precise about it, especially around details like the fingers!) and fasten the different parts with metallic brads. I was lucky to have some that actually look like buttons which I think adds a lot to the look, but any kind of metallic fastener will work, and voila’ you have your own dancing Leprechaun!! I have, as usual, created both a black and white version and a color version, in case any of you want to color your own or don’t have a color printer available. Enjoy, and don’t forget to send me pictures of your projects! I love receiving those!!
(Just right click on the images to print on letter paper. If you can print on cardstock even better, but paper works out too!)

Build a Leprechaun Free Printable Activity (color Version) by Gabriella Vagnoli for

Build a Leprechaun Free Printable Activity by Gabriella Vagnoli for
by gabry | Nov 20, 2018 | Coloring Activities
Christmas is coming !! Maybe you will be decorating your own Christmas tree soon. With this free printable activity your kids can color, cut and paste their own beautiful Christmas tree!
Color,cut and paste a Christmas tree free printable activity by
Color,cut and paste a Christmas tree free printable activity by
by gabry | Jan 4, 2014 | Coloring Activities, Learning Activities
Back to winter and back to the long days at home. With the schools closed and the freezing temperatures outside this is a good moment to find some new easy printable kid activities to do! This easy to cut face can turn into hours of fun! Click here to download the face template and here for the parts template. If you want a more durable activity, print the parts on cardstock instead of regular paper. If you don’t have cardstock, don’t worry, paper will do just fine. Have your child color the face parts before he cuts them and then have him cut along the dotted lines or help him cut them out. You can either: print multiple faces and glue different parts to make a gallery of different people or just place the different cardstock parts on the face and have fun! It can also be used to discuss emotions: prompt your child to create a sad face, a happy face, an angry face and a sad face. Try moving the eyes and the mouths in different positions to see how the face will change emotions!

Preview of the empty face template

Preview of the face parts template
by gabry | Jun 25, 2012 | Coloring Activities, Learning Activities
I have been working on some new lovely space themed digital backgrounds for our Etsy Store, and to celebrate I have decided to create some more free address labels and a new printable coloring page!

I like using these to label the boxes of clothes and toys in my son’s room, but they would work well also for a classroom environment.
Get the free printable pdf for the labels here. It is compatible with most standard address labels. Remember it is for personal use only and not for commercial reuse.
And here is my new coloring page!

Click here to download the pdf of the free coloring page. I like it because my son loves anything space related but also because it is useful to practice sizes ( small, medium, big) as well as location words (above, in the middle, left, right, etc.)