Free Printable Kids Activity: Make a Snowman

Free Printable Kids Activity: Make a Snowman

Finally a new free printable kids’ activity!! Winter is still long, at least here in the Midwest, but I have to say we are not getting that much snow this year! What is the fun of winter without snow right?

So for all of you who don’t have the chance to build a real one, either because you are lucky enough to live in a warmer climate or because like me are having cold winter with no snow, why not build a paper snowman instead?

I created two free printable templates to use at home or in your classroom: the body of the snowman and the pieces. Of course you can also have the kids create the body out of construction paper or other supports, just make sure to kind of match the size of the pieces.

As usual, all you need is a printer, scissors and glue! Have fun!! If you have pictures of your completed works, please leave some in the comments, I would LOVE to see them!

Free Printable Kids Activity: Build a Snowman Page 1 - Snowman Body. by not for commercial reuse.

Free Printable Kids Activity: Build a Snowman Page 1 – Snowman Body. by not for commercial reuse.

Free Printable Kids Activity: Build a Snowman Page 2 - Snowman Parts. by not for commercial reuse.

Free Printable Kids Activity: Build a Snowman Page 2 – Snowman Parts. by not for commercial reuse.














Printable Kids Activity: Make a Face/Exploring emotions.

Printable Kids Activity: Make a Face/Exploring emotions.

Back to winter and back to the long days at home. With the schools closed and the freezing temperatures outside this is a good moment to find some new easy printable kid activities to do! This easy to cut face can turn into hours of fun! Click here to download the face template and here  for the parts template. If you want a more durable activity, print the parts on cardstock instead of regular paper. If you don’t have cardstock, don’t worry, paper will do just fine. Have your child color the face parts before he cuts them and then have him cut along the dotted lines or help him cut them out. You can either: print multiple faces and glue different parts to make a gallery of different people or just place the different cardstock parts on the face and have fun! It can also be used to discuss emotions: prompt your child to create a sad face, a happy face, an angry face and a sad face. Try moving the eyes and the mouths in different positions to see how the face will change emotions!

empty face template preview

Preview of the empty face template

preview of the face parts template

Preview of the face parts template

Circus Train Cut and Paste Coloring Page

Circus Train Cut and Paste Coloring Page

Since we enjoyed so much making the teabox circus train, I decided to create this simple coloring page for a simpler version of that craft. Just cut the parts and paste them together on a piece of construction paper to create a cute circus train with your child or classroom!

Circus train craft preview

Download the free pdf here, remember, it is for personal use only! Enjoy!


Space Scene Craft: 3…2…1….Blastoff!

Space Scene Craft: 3…2…1….Blastoff!

My son is obsessed with rockets and space right now, so I decided to create a craft that we could do together.

He has always enjoyed coloring but lately we have started to practice his pasting skills and he just loves playing with stickers and glue. Buying stickers is fun but it can be expensive and it is not as creative as making your own stuff together. The first project we made together I did it on the fly and just used some construction paper we had in the house.


I liked the idea but I wanted more elements and as soon as we had some time I drew all my space scene elements on a paper asking him what he would like to put in his space scene and had my son color them with me.

Then I proceeded to cut them (if your kid is already using scissors you can let him/her do the larger elements in the picture while you do the most detailed ones) and he had fun pasting them wherever he wanted.

Later, I have been sketching on the space “theme” and I came up with some nice rocket coloring page (downloadable here as a pdf, for private use only, not for commercial use.)